| 1. | New method based on analogous theory and neural network for market clearing price forecasting 用相似性原理及人工神经网络预测电价 |
| 2. | Bidding model and market clearing model are designed and the algorithms are proposed 建立了发电商投标模型和市场出清模型, ?提出了求解算法。 |
| 3. | Furthermore , due to the influence of nforork loss , the market clearing price will differ from point to point by use of the new auction method , hence it can be used as a price signal to motivate siting of power plants in the long run 此外,由于考虑了网损的影响,应用该方法时,各节点的清算价格有所不同,因此还可作为指导电厂选址的一个经济信号。 |
| 4. | Secondly , based on the estimated market clearing prices of electricity an effort is made to investigate the optimal strategies of maintenance scheduling for generating units with risk management , under the methodological framework of the well - developed chance constrained programming 该模型允许所形成的检修方案在某些情况下不满足小于某一给定的收益损失的约束,但这种情况发生的概率必须小于某一置信度水平。 |
| 5. | The relationship between the market clearing price and generation capacity adequacy is represented as a nonlinear function . based on the loads forecasted and the estimated maintenance schedules of generation companies , the market clearing price can be obtained 模拟了现货市场电价与系统发电容量充裕度之间的函数关系,依据对其它发电公司检修起始时间的概率估计和负荷预测结果,求得发电容量充裕度、进而现货市场的电价。 |
| 6. | Based on the santa fe artificial stock market , the simulated experiments of different markets include market clear mechanism , price limited mechanism , and dividend mechanism markets are implement . and the bubble and frangibility of stock market are also studied by this method . the satisfactory results are gotten 在圣塔菲人工市场的基础上,我们分别对价格出清机制、涨跌停限制制度、股利制度,泡沫成因和股票市场的脆弱性进行了实验研究,并取得了较为满意的结果。 |
| 7. | This paper presents a type of electric power bidding mechanisms based on sealed - hid auction theory , and models generation company ' s equilibrium bidding with order statistic principle , in which the cases that the same and different generation capacity among generation companys is considered , then analyzes the relation between the market clear price and bidding mechanism to explore the optimal bidding mechanism from the view of market efficiency 摘要基于暗标拍卖理论,提出了一类电力竞价机制,然后运用次序统计量方法,分别对发电容量相同与不同的发电商组成的电力竞价市场,构建发电商的均衡报价模型;在模型求解基础上,分析竞价机制对市场清除价的影响,以从市场效率的角度探求最优电力竞价机制。 |
| 8. | In this paper determination of tou power price is studied and three approaches are brought out : use mcp ( market clearing price ) to determine flat load ' s power price , then determine the power price of peak and valley loads ; determine power price of peak , flat and valley loads according to optimization of load shifting ; determine power price of peak , flat and valley loads according to load shifting and reducing costs of power consumers 本文对分时电价的确定进行了探索性研究,提出了确定分时电价的三种方法:用市场清除价确定平时段电价,然后在此平时段电价基础上确定峰、谷电价;根据削峰填谷最优同时确定峰、平、谷时段电价;根据削峰填谷和用户购电费用最佳均衡同时确定峰、平、谷时段电价。 |
| 9. | First , a new methodological framework is developed for investigating the optimal strategies of maintenance scheduling for generating units with risk well taken into account , based on the widely employed power pool mode and the uniform clearing price . two scenarios are examined in detail , i . e . , for the two cases that the generation company studied is / is not a price taker in the electricity market operation . based on the electricity market clearing prices estimated , a new methodological framework is presented , mathematical models formulated and a solving method developed 以国内外广为采用的联营体模式、统一市场清算价结算的现货电力市场为背景,在假设市场电价可以预测并能够描述为某种概率分布的前提下,采用方差或标准差来描述和度量风险;建立了相应的优化模型,为发电公司在制定发电机组的检修计划时适当兼顾利润损失的期望值最小和风险最小这两个目标提供了新的解决途径。 |
| 10. | It involves the effect of the asymmetric information participants ’ behaviour including investors and companies on the stock market . the relationship between information asymmetry and stock prices is in essence the correlation between the change of stock prices and information revelation . stock prices as mentioned in this thesis , if not specified , refer to the equation prices under the condition of market clearing 诸如内幕交易、庄家炒作、劣质企业利用股票上市圈钱等问题曾经相当严重,这不但影响了广大投资者投资证券市场的信心,更大大影响了证券市场配置经济资源的效率,使资金不能流向优质公司。 |